In the last few decades Conference and Exhibition Industry has experienced a rapid
development rate, after its professionals had demonstrated to many sectors ,
foundations and organizations that events in general, and specifically conventions and
trade fairs are effective tools that achieve great results within few days.
In this partition you will find several researches, articles, case studies prepared by
global authorized organizations and International experts in the meetings Industry,
through which you can rebuild your image about this industry and examine how it can
develop your business, double your success and add great value to your organization's
activity whatever it is.
- Portable toilets provide a very good solution for sanitation problems, especially for the construction and infrastructure industry. In these industries, labor health regulations and adhering to environmental norms are of major concern.
- TNC Systems Company United for Cleanings install and maintain the mobile portable toilets. TNC manufacture its own toilet and takes contract for maintaining those toilets.
Portable Toilet maintenance includes:
(a) Maintains all portable toilets in good condition to prevent leaks or spills.
(b) Damaged toilets must be repaired /replaced immediately.
(c) Owner identification and contact information must be effectively displayed in a prominent location on the exterior of each unit.
- Some sites of construction where portable toilets can be useful are general construction, highway construction, housing, pipelines and excavation sites.
Understanding our portable toilet services
- Location: Be aware of proximity to venue and walking distances; provide masking if needed
- Hand washing stations: Access to water for filling stations
- Disability: Provide appropriate facilities for your attendees with disabilities.
- Servicing: Arrange in advance with UNICCO for restocking supplies or cleaning for multiple-day events.
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